Better Not Bitter

Just as you thought you’ve settled in a particular direction in life, variables that you’ve tried to keep in control just gets out of hand. Sometimes if you push yourself further by exploring what else can make it work, you find yourself, exhausted too. And then you find reasons to justify what comes out of an actually futile effort. And then later you realize that things just don’t happen the way you wished them to.

Whether or not everything was worth all the effort, the pain, the wait, at the end of the day your only consolation is that you put your best foot in it, saved what you can, and kept the faith.

Moving forward though isn’t an easy task either.  Sometimes you’ll find that it was a lot easier hanging on to bad times together than paving a new direction, learning new stuff, getting a life back.  And then when you finally decide to let time heal wounds, the wait doesn’t have to be long.  Once you discover what set you free, you either grab the chance to find a new meaning to be happy.  Take them into your life and live with what may come.  Or, you try some stuff and then pull yourself out of it before you take on the habit of getting used to it again.

No one touches a hot surface twice.  When you get burned, the sensation registers in the brain and the brain commands the hand to remove itself from the harmful source.  So taking on a new path is not much of a choice that we have to make after all.  It’s finding the reason to make you stay in a certain path that’s quite difficult. But then again, it’ll come.   In fact, whatever comes can actually make you feel okay.  It’s how you see things and what you make out of them that makes what you can become.